Even though your items may appear small to others, they are still personal. It’s important that you keep your things safe for as long as possible. No one should be able to steal or go through them. This is why you should inquire about the security of a storage unit before choosing one. It is important to note that security depends both on personal preferences as well as the crime rate in the area. It is entirely up to you what kind of security systems you install, more hints.
Self-storage businesses have numerous security features. A fence around the property and security cameras may be enough. If you prefer, you can choose a storage facility with video surveillance, a secure entry gate, or even a 24 hour manager. It is important to think about what you want to store and if the options available are suitable for you.
In some cases, insurance may pay for the replacement of items. These items may need extra protection if they have sentimental or financial value. Look at the potential storage space. You can tell a lot about the security of a place by looking at its fence. If there are dark patches or holes in it, and poor lighting is present, then you know that this store may not be secure. It doesn’t matter how strong your unit lock is, as thieves will be able to break in whenever they choose.
Use an alarm monitoring system, either by local guards or the alarm service that links with the local dispatch. Another option is to use motion detectors. On some models, there are motion sensors that will alert authorities to an open unit.
It is crucial to have visitors with access. The system of limited access is essential to ensure that people who do not rent the space cannot enter. Sign-in/sign out systems, as well as secured access gates with access codes for renters work. The card that is used to enter the apartment in some of the newer units can be swiped.
If you are concerned about smoke or a possible fire, find an establishment where emergency services can be accessed. It is important to note that smoking should not be allowed in the building as this can lead to a serious fire. Every facility should have smoke alarms and fire alarms.